Monday, January 11, 2010

The Book of Job

How do you react to God's show of strength and power at the end of the story? Is it an appropriate response to Job? What does this show say about God and his relationship to man?

I thought that God's show of strength and power at the end of the story should have been unneccessary. If God is supposed to be this all-powerful being who has all of the answers and can do anything at any time, why should he have anything to prove? Apparently he can't supply his own self confidence... and Job is supposed to put all of his trust into him? How can God expect anyone to be so loyal to him if God can't even shrug of a provoking angel? I thought that God's response to Job was ridiculous because although Job believes that God created man, God needs to work on keeping his confidence up. If God can't be confident in his own existence, then he probably shouldn't be testing anyone else. In his relationship to man, God is supposed to be the creator and have supreme knowledge. God's ruthless display suggests that he is trying to impress man, and believes that he is of equal or lesser status than man; why else should he need to instill fear in Job?

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